Jumat, 07 November 2014

Homesteading Book Review and Giveaway! Backyard Farming on an acre more or less

The dream of having 20 acres of land far away from the hectic lifestyle of a city is the fantasy of many. & nbsp;But like most dreams it isn't always practical or even attainable for most people. & nbsp;Some of us will never be able to afford living in a rural setting, and never be able to keep up with the constant work a real small & nbsp;farm entails. & nbsp;I have done both. & nbsp;From living on 5 acres in the Wyoming farm lands with goats chickens, rabbits and an acre of garden, to living on a small lot right in town and still & nbsp;having a big garden with chickens and meat rabbits. & nbsp;Both have there advantages and disadvantages and you just have to choose which one is the best for your family.

More and more I see people tearing up sections of useless lawn and putting in gardens, fruit trees, and chicken coops. & nbsp;The most common reason for this outbreak of urban homesteading is the rising food costs and constant food safety scares with outbreaks of contamination. & nbsp;Since food prices are only going to go up at a rapidly accelerating rate this interest is sure to grow as well.

That is why I was so interested in reviewing Backyard Farming on an Acre (more or less) . & nbsp;This is a book geared towards people who are trying to convert every possible space they have into food production for their family on small lots of land.

What I like about this book is it is for people who live in town and for what ever reason cannot move to a rural setting. & nbsp;It is perfect for anyone wanting to grow healthy foods, live more cheaply, and not be as dependent on the just in time food delivery industry. & nbsp;I truly believe we have to bloom where we are planted, and while I still dream and plan of the day when I will have my small farm I'm going to work with what I got. & nbsp;And believe it or not you can do allot in your average sized yard.

I have read pretty much every book on homesteading, small farming, and gardening. & nbsp;And I have tried out many of the recommended tips. & nbsp;This book is going to be a great resource for anyone wanting to produce food. & nbsp;It is easy to understand, comprehensive enough to be a real guide, and geared towards the newbie.

Backyard Farming On An Acre (More Or Less) Review

Backyard Farming On An Acre (More or Less) & nbsp;is the & nbsp;ultimate guide for those wishing to eat healthier and save money. Whether you're looking to purchase new farm land or to use what you already own, Angela breaks everything down in an easy-to-follow, comprehensive way, explaining everything you need to know from zoning restrictions to water access.
Ready to start producing your own veggies and fruits? Angela's got you completely covered, with & nbsp;helpful tips and advice on planning, planting, raising, and harvesting everything from vegetables and herbs, to fruits, berries, and nuts! The book is organized in such an easy format, you can just open the table of contents, find the plant you want to learn more about, then flip to the correct page to find information, pictures, and down-to-earth advice on all that goes into growing and harvesting that plant.
The sections on animal husbandry is very good and Angela's detailed, yet concise,instructions on buying and raising chickens, goats, sheep, and rabbits & nbsp;was well written. & nbsp;I have raised goats, rabbits, chickens, and a milk cow so I can tell you from experience that this is a very good beginners guide.


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